Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy reading through it.

I have completed a trailer, magazine cover and poster for the trailer which has been created. I have posted all my research and planning for my trailer, magazine cover and poster and then the process of making them.

My research and planning starts in September 2012, and my evaluation in March 2013. My completed trailer, magazine cover and poster is just below this note.

Sophie O'Donnell

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Evaluation: Question One

In what ways does your media products use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

 When creating my film magazine, poster and trailer I used, developed and challenged different   aspects conventions of real media text.

The Storyline which we used in our trailer is similar to other films which contain possession in them. This type of film is very popular at the moment so we had to make a few changes to help it stand out from all the others. Our storyline contains a group of students having a party when they move into their new house and strange things begin to happen when one of the girls who is more shy and quite gets possessed and kills off her friends apart from one.
Changing it to a group of friends who are students gives the storyline a change to other similar films, it also makes the film more appealing to the target audience as they are around the same age range.

Conventions used from real media text 

Conventions which I have taken from real media texts to help show the genre of my film as there are certain conventions which are always used in horror films to help show the genre to the audience. 
I have used titles throughout my trailer like the trailer of the possession uses to help show the narrative of the trailer to the audience so they know from the trailer what the film is about to see if they would want to watch it.
I have also used a montage affect at the end of the trailer so when the music of the trailer builds up to the title of the film. The montage effect (kuleshov method) this is very common in horror trailers and films to build up tension through the trailer and film for the audience. 
I used the 'final girl' theory in my trailer by carol clover which is when a character gets haunted throughout the film but at the end survives.
I have also included the distribution logo of the company and the production logo on the trailer as this is the most common convention in trailers as every trailer made has these features. 
I have also used music which builds up throughout the trailer, this is a common convention when it comes to horror film trailers as when the music builds up in the trailer the jump cuts and editing of the trailer becomes faster and builds up more tension for the audience.
I have also copied the mise-en-scene of how possessed people are shown in a film, I got ideas off the way the girl in 'The possession' which helped me create my character in the trailer.

Conventions developed from real media text 
A conventions which I have developed from real media text is flicking from a hand held cameras and camera which are on a tripod. This is a developed conventions as films usually only use one or the other but in our trailer we thought adding hand held camera footage it in would help show the party scene and how drunk the characters are. I believed this worked well in our trailer because it changes and does stay the same throughout making it more interesting for the audience to watch.

Conventions which I have challenged from real media text
A challenged convention in the trailer is that the person who is possessed and killing the characters off is somebody they know where as when in most horror films the characters are killed by an outsider.We thought this would be a good change to the film as these types of films are very popular at the moments so it gives it a bit of a change to the normal storylines which you see a lot in these type of films.

Also throughout the trailer its gives more of an insight to watch actually happens in the film audience, it give more information then a normal trailer would which is a difference to normal horror film trailers.

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