Dear Moderator,
Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy reading through it.
I have completed a trailer, magazine cover and poster for the trailer which has been created. I have posted all my research and planning for my trailer, magazine cover and poster and then the process of making them.
My research and planning starts in September 2012, and my evaluation in March 2013. My completed trailer, magazine cover and poster is just below this note.
Sophie O'Donnell
Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy reading through it.
I have completed a trailer, magazine cover and poster for the trailer which has been created. I have posted all my research and planning for my trailer, magazine cover and poster and then the process of making them.
My research and planning starts in September 2012, and my evaluation in March 2013. My completed trailer, magazine cover and poster is just below this note.
Sophie O'Donnell
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Research&Planning: Teaser Trailer
We have been asked to create an teaser trailer or a trailer to do this we need to know what makes a trailer different to the film and what features you would see when in a trailer.
Teaser Trailers consist of many features which make them trailers and not like the film. They may have:
The paranormal activity teaser trailer, is simple and could be recreated
because there is no CGI used or special affects used. The 'devil' isn't
shown in the trailer or through the film, so this makes it easier to
recreate. The trailer consists of parts of the film as well as the audience reactions which is simple. In our trailer we could recreate the audience reactions, which tells the viewer to the trailer how other people react to the audience.
The Saw trailer has scenes in it which can not be recreated by us because they are too graphic. there are scenes which show a man cutting off his own legs, This is something in which we can not recreate because we don't have the special effects and CGI to do this,
Teaser Trailers consist of many features which make them trailers and not like the film. They may have:
- Montage
- Name of film
- Release Date
- Titles
- Voice overs
- Logo/Production company
- Bits of the story line
Research&Planning: Questionnaire Results
Results for my questionnaire
Main results we found from our questionnaire:
1) Possessed Girl - Weird behavior/movement, noises, shown through appearance (hair&eyes)
Weird Behavior could consist of:
- Twitchy movement
- Slow Walking
- Running figure across objects
Noises in which we could use:
- Groaning
- Screaming
- Whistling
- Dark Eye make up/Widen eyes
- Crazy back combed hair
- White pale face
To make the appearance of the possessed girl look scary or to show the audience that the girl is possessed, it will be mainly shown through these aspects because then it will be clear to the audience what its happening to the girl.
2) Strong/Weak - Strong
3) Night/Day- Both
The target audience, from the questionnaire which we gave out has mixed views in which when most of the filming should take place, day or night.
So we would either have to decide ourselves which one we would prefer or we could ask more of the target audience so see their views to help us decide.
4) End of film night/day - Night
5) See/Don't - Don't see character being possessed or who does it
It is preferred that you don't see the 'thing' which is possessing the girl, we will have to show more through the possessed girls actions and appearance to show the audience that she is possessed and there will be more tension as the audience doesn't no what is happening and who is doing it to the girl.
6) Students doing through the day - Socializing
7) Party Scene - Yes
8) Voice over/Titles - Both
Some of the results of the questionnaires didn't have a inconclusive answer, on these questions its is up to us to choose between the answers given so decide what to do on our trailer.
Research&Planning: Questionnaires
I asked people of both male and female, and different ages but mostly the in which our film is going to be aimed at to fill out a questionnaire, we made to find out the audience opinions about certain aspects we are thinking about putting in our film trailer.
This is a blank copy of my questionnaire which I gave out for people to fill in
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Research&Planning: Target Audience for My Trailer
I went on IMDb's top horror movies to see which films are popular, it helped by telling me what films the audience enjoy and which films are more scary so I could add some of the features in the my film trailer.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Research&Planning: Meeting 1
We had a meeting in our group to discuss which job roles we will take on when we create our trailer. The main job roles are Sound, Editing and Mise-en-scene.
- I am doing Editing
- Hannah: Sound
- Katrina: Mise-en-scene
- We have decided to share camera work
Research&Planning: Audience Theories
The Hyodermic needle
Cultivation Theory
Cultivation theory states that audiences who view frequently TV are more susceptible to media messages and believe that they are real. Heavy viewers are exposed to more violence and therefore are affected by the Mean World Syndrome, the belief that the world is a far worse and dangerous place then it actually is.
Desensitisation Theroy
The theory of a media audiences’ reactions growing weaker according to the amount of exposure to violence, death and sex. Which can lead less fear and sensitivity to violence and aggressive behaviors.
Copycat Theory
The copycat theory is when the audience copies things they seen on the TV and in films. Well known copycats examples are muders, suicides and other violent acts.
Uses and gratifications Theory
Uses and Gratifications Theory is an approach to understanding why people actively seek out specific media outlets and content for gratification purposes
.It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory also holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications.
The hypodermic needle model suggests to us that mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. The mass media in the 1940s and 1950s were perceived as a powerful influence on behavior change. This model can be referred to as the magic bullet.
Cultivation Theory
Cultivation theory states that audiences who view frequently TV are more susceptible to media messages and believe that they are real. Heavy viewers are exposed to more violence and therefore are affected by the Mean World Syndrome, the belief that the world is a far worse and dangerous place then it actually is.
Desensitisation Theroy
The theory of a media audiences’ reactions growing weaker according to the amount of exposure to violence, death and sex. Which can lead less fear and sensitivity to violence and aggressive behaviors.
The copycat theory is when the audience copies things they seen on the TV and in films. Well known copycats examples are muders, suicides and other violent acts.
Uses and gratifications Theory
Uses and Gratifications Theory is an approach to understanding why people actively seek out specific media outlets and content for gratification purposes
.It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory also holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications.
Research&Planning: Regulations and Censorship
My film be rated 15 because of the contents of the film, as it is a horror. The film will contain strong language and horror content which is unsuitable for ages younger than 15.
My film trailer will be rated 12 so that it can be shown TV and in the cinemas of films which are rated 12 or over, this would give the film more marketing.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Research&Planning: Film Trailer Analysis Two
I have chosen the possession to analyse because in my trailer I am going to have a women in it who is going to be possessed.
The Genre of the possesion is horror and thriller. We get clues from the title of the film, cerificate and events in the film trailer about what the genre is. The trailer uses different styles of editing, cinematography, sound and mise-en-scene to show us the genre. During the trailer there is titles saying that the film is based on a true story which makes the film sound scarier to you, because you think in your head that this could actually happen in real life with you, this shows us the genre of the film.
Sound is used throughout the trailer. Background music which builds up through the trailer, so it is making the audience think that something bad is going to happen, therefore helping show the genre of the film to the audience. There is also natural sounds used like a car door, this makes the trailer seem realistic to the audience making it scarier because it enhases the fact that the film is based on a true story, therefore this could happen to them in real life.
Cinematography used to show the genre in the trailer. It is used by showing close ups on characters to show the scared reactions on their faces to show the audience how they are feeling about what is happening. Also master/wide shots are used to show everything on screen to give the audience a better understanding of what if happening in the scene, it also helps you concentrate on the important part of the shot.
Throughout the trailer there is editing between scenes, as the trailer jumps from scene to scene. The editing shows the jump in time to the next scene. This helps show the genre of the film because the jumping between scenes gives the impression of something is building up and something bad is going to happen.
Mise-en-scene is very realistic in the trailer, this shows more to the audience that the film is based on a real story because of the realistic objects, clothing, car and houses. This doesnt really show the genre of the film as well as the sounds, cinematography and editing. The mise-en-scene is used to make the audience more scared so you believe that the film is based on a true story and could happen to anyone.
The trailer shows us that the girls, mum and dad have split up, this shows us that is it modren film because divorce is more common now and is accepted now than it was. Through this the audience know that the film is common and possibly the event which the film is based on isnt that old and could still happen making the film scarier for the audience. I believe that the quite a lot of the audience could relate to what the girls are feeling about the divorce and you can tell by the trailer that one girl is not very happy to be spending time with her dad, this could be related too by many young people now, also a lot of adults will have been through a divorce making them able to relate more to the film, and what they would feel if something happened to their child while with the other parent. So I think that the target audience of this film would be from 15 and above
There is narrative throughout the trailer. In some scenes there is a voice over from a character in the film explaing what will happen if somebody opens the box, which the little girl opens. This makes it easier for the audience to understand the trailer without being too active while watching.
We are introduced to four active characters and many passive. The active character are a divored man and wife, and there daughters, and the passive are just characters which are seen at the garage sale where the girl finds the box.
The age group in which this film is aimed at is 15 and above, we know this because of the certificate it has been given which is 15, it has more of a limited audience because of what is in the film and could be considered to be too scary for anyone younger.
The audience for this film could be either male or female as long as they have an interest in horror films and enjoy being scared as the trailer has text appearing through it reading 'based on a true story' this makes film scarier for people because they believe that it can really happen to them, so just by saying based on a true story it instantly makes the film more scary for the audience.
While watching the trailer the audience has to keep active, watch and take all the trailer in as the trailer uses a lot of jump cuts to different scenes and different timings, so the audience has to take everything, although the trailer is good at showing what is happening.
Media Language
Editing used to show genre
- Jump cuts
- fades
- Dissolve
- Straight cuts
Cinematography used to show genre
- Close ups
- Birds eye view
- Medium close ups
- Wide shot/Master shot
Sound used to show genre
- Background sounds to build up tension of whats about to happen
- Voice over
- Diegetic dialogue
Mise-en-scene to show genre
- The Box
- Realistic clothing/house/car
Research&Planning: Film Trailer Analysis One
I have chosen this trailer because I am aiming for my film to be the same type of film as the Amityville Horror (2005). This is contining my research in to the film type I would like.
The genre of the Amityville Horror is horror, we know this through the use of 'horror' in the title of the film and the trailer uses different editing sytles, cinematography, sound and mise-en-scene to show the genre of the film.
The certificate of the film also shows us that the film is horror because there is a more limited audenice range as it is a 15. Which tells us that it isnt suitable for everyone giving away that the film has to have certain features in to make it a 15. Telling us that the genre is horror.
Throughout the trailer a lot of jump cuts and fades are used to jump from scene to scene, using these types of editing helps shows the audience change in time and shows that the trailer is missing some things out and just showing parts of the film which will get the audience interested in watching the film. The jumping from scene to scene helps show that the film is a horror because it gives the idea of the trailer building up to something bad because of the jumping from scene to scene quickly.
Mise-en-scene shows use the genre of the film the use of lightening and shots of objects such as a phone hanging off the table. Lightening and thunder is consider to be scary by many so many will link up the lighting with an horror film, and the phone hanging of the table shows the genre because it makes you think that somebody has tried using the phone/answering it and something has happened to that person. The house and clothing help make the film scarier to viewers because it is all very realistic so it whos more that the film is based on a real story.
The trailer uses flashing images of old new papers to show the audience the history of the house and what has happening in the house. The flashing images build up tension for the audience as they don't know what is going to happen next, and as they now know the history of the house the audience know that it will be a horror.
The sounds which are used in the trailer build up tension, we hear the beeping of an engaged phone which gets faster and faster like the trailer is building up so something bad happening, as well a gun shot and backgroud music. The background music is played while a master shot of the house in the dark and lighening is being shown, this makes the house seem more scary to the audience as it seems like it is building up to something bad happening, showing the genre of the film.
Medium close ups and close ups are used to show the facial expressions of the characters when they find out about the house history, this makes the audience relate and understand how they are feeling when they find out and when things start happening in the house.
In the trailer it is a small child who can see the spirit of a little girl, who was killed in the house. Including a small child in the film makes the film scarier for people with children because they would be able to relate to the feelings of a parent and if something happened to the child. I think because of this factor the target audience would be more towards late teenager and adults, as the main characters in the film are a young couple and a child. Including a child in a horror makes it more scary because you always feel more for younger people.
The Amityville Horror trailer introduces the audience to the main characters in the films, who have just bought a new house and then they discover the histroy of the house. Through the trailer there is a voice over which tells the audience the history of the house. The voice is the voice of the estate agent selling the couple to house and then voices from old news reports about the house.
The main characters of the film are a couple and their daughter but we are also introduced to the estate agent who sells the couple the house and it also shows clips of the man who was previously possessed in the house and the crime he commited, shooting all of his family. All these characters have an active part in the trailer. The characters help show the genre of the film.
During the trailer there is text, which sets the scene for the film, showing the audience the date and where all the film takes place.
The age range for this film is 15 or over as the cerfiticate of the film is 15. The interests in which the possible audience might have is the interest in true stories as Armityville horror is based on a true story. This makes the film scary for the audience so the audience would have to like being scared so enjoy the film, so this could also be an interest. The gender of the audience could be either male or female as long as they enjoy horror films based on a true story as well as there is different characters of both genders making the audience more liking to be both genders.
When watching this trailer the audience don't really have to concentrate when they watch the trailer as the trailer explains itself and you don't need to be active to try and work out what is going on, apart from the times where the scenes are jumping quite faster then the audience would have to be more active while watching. The trailer builds up a lot of tension so gives the audience a feel to what the film would be like, so when building up tension it keeps the audience on the edge of their seat.
Media Language
Editing used to show the genre
- Fades
- Straightc cuts
- Jump cuts
- Disolves
Cinematography used to show the genre
- Birds eye view
- Medium close ups
- Close ups
- Eye-Line Shot
- Worm view
- Master Shot
Sound used to show the genre
- Diegetic Sounds
- Natural Sounds
- Backgroud music
- Gun Shots
- Beeping of engaged phone
Mise-en-scene used to show the genre
- Phone
- Lightening
- Clock
- Newpapers
- Gun
Research&Planning: Research Of Horror Films
To find good horror films trailers I could analyse or just watch to help me think of good ideas for my trailer, I thought it would be good to see what horror films people of my age find scary. This would help me see more horror film trailers and their features so I could use simiar cinematrophy, editing, sounds and mise-en-scene they use in my trailer. By doing this I have found out what type of film is found to be scary by various people, teenagers and adults.
So I used the social networking site Facebook to find out what horror films people like
So I used the social networking site Facebook to find out what horror films people like
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Research & Planning: Audience Interviews
Key points from the interviews:
- films based on a true story are found to be scarier than fiction films
- films which have suspense and bits which make you jump are scarier
- The target audience for our film would rather have teenage characters in
- Background music to build suspense should be used
- A range of film ratings were chose in the interviews, so I think that doing a film rated 15 would be the best seen as its between 12 and 18, still scary but not as scary or graphic as an 18 would be
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Research & Planning: Interview questions
Interview questions
- What makes a horror film scary to you?
- Do you find films bases on a real story scarier than fiction?
- What would you find scarier a haunted house or an open dark field?
- Do you find it more interesting if the film has younger characters, teenagers or older?
- Have you seen the Blair Witch Project? if so how did you find it?
- Have you seen Amityville Horror? if so how did you find it?
- Would you rather watch a horror rated 12, 15 or 18?
- Do you think that background music add to the intense moments in a film?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Research & Planning: Pitch
I have made up two different pitch ideas for my trailer, which included research of what films I would want my trailer to be like, the plot for two different trailers, locations, sound effects, cinematography I would use in that trailer and what I will need to learn to create them the trailer how I want.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Research and Planning; The Chase
In groups we had to create a short film called 'The Chase.' The chase was created to see how and what I knew about imovie, it was to practice for creating my trailer, so that I will be more familiar with the program and will find it easier to use while editing and adding sounds to my trailer.
After creating the chase, there is improvements inwhich I could improve on when creating my actual trailer.
To improve
After creating the chase, there is improvements inwhich I could improve on when creating my actual trailer.
To improve
- Camera angles
- No movement of the camera so it is still
- More Editing so it doesn't look repeated
- Filmed all one way instead of two different angels
- More footage to make it make more sense
- More varied shots
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Research&Planning: Photoshop Challenge
When creating this poster I used a picture from google as the backgroud but editied it using the brush tool, I made the girls eye red as well as her lips, and I also made her teeth yellow, to make the picture look scarier.
As well as getting the background off the internet I also got the 15 certification of it. The certification had a white background so I used the magnectic loop to draw round the cicrle of the certification and deleted the white backgroud, I created a new layer to add the certification.
I used the text tool and colours to write the title and tagline on the poster, I used a font which an horror film poster would use.
While doing this poster I noticed that I could remember most tools but I forgot how to use some, so before creating my actual film poster I should practise a little more on photoshop so that I can create it to the best of my ability.
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